well hello hello hello, it has been quiiiite a while since i've done anything on this site, blog posts included. i think that last time i've really done much on my site was around september last year, now it's about 3 and a half months later. i have a lot of plans and things that i want to do and make this year. i want to do some on this site off and on, possibly sprucing some stuff up and adding some stuff to this site. i also want to get into creating videos, i have a bunch of different ideas of videos i want to make, so i'm gonna be working on that quite a bit. i wanna get more into vfx too, after effects stuff, and learn some things like blender and creating gmod maps, etc. the video stuff is the top thing that i want to work on this year. outside of that fun stuff, i also have two more semester to finish up this year and then i'll be done with college and i can worry about other dumb shit lol. well, this is this and that is that, so see ya later! |