hello hello, what's up. it's a sunday, a few minutes after 1pm as i begin to write this. i am currently avoiding working on a school project and watching nick crowley youtube videos. it's a very sunday feeling sunday if that makes any sense, and i'm quite sure this is gonna be a long blog post. i wanted to make one quite big blog post since i'm probably not going to be doing any big changes on my website too soon. that's not saying i'm not gonna be touching it at all for a while, but the changes done will probably just be small things here and there, whenever i feel. i do still have tons of plans for this site, but those things will be done over time or at a later time. among the things for the site i need to do including making a couple more pages, fleshing out many of the current pages, add sections onto the music, movies, and videogames page, do some writing on the nostalgia page, and work on the on cinema page. and all of that is just some of what i plan to do, really. i still have the videos and vfx pages empty, which needs to be changed eventually. possibly even workshop different aesthetics or layouts for the website, maybe have multiple aesthetics for the whole site, idk exactly but lots to do for the site basically. outside of the website, i do plan to start working on my game, thomas quest, more often. my goal is to have a pretty finished version of the game completed by basically the end of the year, which i think is doable, assuming i begin to work on the game more often. school is still school, just gotta make sure i keep up with my classes and homework, and wrap up these two more semesters and i'll be golden. then once i graduate it'll just be another thing to do: work. but that'll be then, and now is now, so i'm just trying to focus on the present. i have so so sooo much on my personal to-do list that i want to get done. this website is, of course, on of those things that i want to work on, as well as developing thomas quest. other than that, creating youtube videos is another really big thing that i want to start on, i have a bunch of different ideas for videos and series, sketches and even some short film type things that i hope to make eventually. i want to learn blender and developing in different game engines, i have a lot of ideas for other games i hope to make. aaand i've got vfx style ideas i want to make and some artistic stuff, just a whole bunch of things i'd like to do. right now, my main to-do thing currently is definitely working on the game, though. well, i think that's this blog post done, not thaaat long, i guess, but still a bit loaded. i'll see ya, gonna go chill a bit, maybe work on thomas quest some, and watch youtube. |
ENTRY3_9/10/2024: life and
ayo, i'm back again for a another blog post, probably a mini one. (probably). been working on the website, added a bunch of new pages and placeholders for pages i want to have eventually. kind of shifted my ethos for now with the website to setting up different pages loosely and then coming back to refine them and make them great and more fully fleshed out. outside of the website, life is life, but we do have a hurricane hitting tomorrow, so i'm at home for a couple days, hoping it won't be too bad, but i'm not super worried. mainly just means i get to stay in, work on the website and other things, and cuddle with my dog! well, i'm gonna keep at the website, get some more done hopefully, and...until next time! |
ENTRY2_9/7/2024: homepage updates
whats up, this is my second "official" blog post on my neocities site. can't tell whether it'll be as long as the first at the time of writing. i've spent the majority of today just working on updating the site, especially the landing page, making it look cleaner and especially more organized. i think it looks really great in its current state, but chances are it will change over time, whether a little or a lot. also need to give a huge shoutout to incessantpain's site for being a huuuge inspiration for the design of the current homepage. site-wise, i still have TONS to do, including creating pages and adding gifs/images, and just a whole bunch of stuff. i'm trying to go ahead and work on the pages that already exist before i start adding more pages i want to be on the site, kinda quality over quantity like. my current biggest plans are to tidy up the homepage even more, especially the header and the images used, then work on the design/content of other pages. outside of the site, not too much different to report since my first blog post, still same old same old, but it is very rewarding to look at my homepage and its nicer look. i still need to make time to start working on my rpgmaker game again soon, my current goal is to have a relatively complete game by christmas, which i think i can do. having a bunch of projects and ideas you want to make feels like a burden at times, but a blessing at other times. cos it's great to have so many great ideas you want to make, but it can be overwhelming to know which to start with. definitely more positive than negative though. well, think that's that for now, so until next time! |
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ENTRY1_9/2/2024: the beginning
this is the start of me attempting to actually create an interesting looking website on neocities. as of writing all this my site is incredibly barebones and boring, but over time hopefully i can look back on all of this and see how much its changed through me working on it. gotta lot lot looot going on other than just this site as well. i have a couple more semesters of college to finish up with classes that are definitely gonna kick my ass, plus i need to get a job and try to be a human adult as hard as i can. extracurricalurly (<--if thats even a word) i also have a bunch of personal projects to work on including this website, but also including things such as an rpgmaker game i'm working on, as well as beginning to make various videos for youtube, maybe some short films and comedic things, i want to start getting into game development more intently, learn blender to make models and animation, learn vfx more intently and make some cool stuff, maybe develop a personal style, over all just a ton of stuff i need/want to do. and i need to do all this while trying to ignore the constant incessant march of time that destroys all. it feels overwhelming sometimes and it's difficult not to just procrastinate and forget that i have any responsibilities while doing anything other than being "productive", whatever that's supposed to mean. adding this entry along with a couple things to my site today is my attempt to get more organized and be a little bit more productive, because since this semester started a couple weeks ago, i've just been stuck procrastinating since class and homework has me so incredibly burnt out. i've been wanting to journal for the longest time but just have never found the right motivation to sit down and -- pen to paper -- write about whatever i want, just straight off my head, so this has been a nice way to just get out some things i'm thinking about, nothing too personal but just put it out there anyway for someone maybe to read, maybe other than myself or maybe just me reading this coming back later. idk. well this is entry 1 in my website blog anyway, so on to more projects and writings and whatever else i do and maybe show off on this site. later! :) |